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Is a loft conversion worth it?

  • Posted by: Sebastian Grayson
Loft Conversion In Croydon Ext Rear

If you want to add value to your home and create an additional room that you can use, then you might be considering investing in a loft conversion. This can be an ideal choice for homeowners since it utilises space that you already have in your home and can be used for many different purposes including an extra bedroom, bathroom, home office, storage room, or anything else that you want. Home offices are quickly becoming a top choice of room to convert a loft into with more and more people now working from home as a result of the COVID19 pandemic.

How much can you expect to pay for a loft conversion, how disruptive is it, and is it all worth it?

Loft Conversion Cost

The price you can expect to pay for a loft conversion will depend on several factors, including the type of loft conversion that you want to book and what the room is going to be used for. 

A basic roof light conversion, which involves adding windows in the loft and turning it into a usable room without making any changes to the structure or shape of the roof, tends to be the cheapest loft conversion option to go for. On the more expensive end of the scale is a Mansard loft conversion, which requires significant work to be done on the roof. Along with this, the work you will need doing on the loft to turn it into a new room can also vary depending on how you are going to use it. A simple roof for storage, for example, is going to be cheaper compared to a new bathroom or bedroom with en-suite. 

On average, you can expect to pay around £35-£45k for a typical dormer loft conversion to a bedroom with a bathroom. 

How Disruptive is a Loft Conversion?

Along with the cost of getting a loft conversion, another factor that you might be concerned about is how disruptive the work will be and how long it is going to take. Unfortunately, getting a loft conversion can be quite disruptive and your home life will be affected for the duration of the job. How long you can expect this to last will depend on several factors including the type of loft conversion that you go for and the current condition of your roof and loft. 

If you want a loft conversion that is least disruptive and done quickly, a simple Velux conversion might be the best option for you. A specialist loft conversion will usually require structural alterations to your property and will take longer to complete, along with requiring more work. 

How Much Value Can a Loft Conversion Add to Your Home?

Now that you know what to expect when it comes to getting a loft conversion and how much it is likely to cost, the big question is, will it be worth it for you? 

For most homeowners, the cost and disruption of getting a loft conversion are worth the additional value that it can add to the home, along with making the home itself larger. A loft conversion can be used as an extra bedroom, home office space, or simply used as storage space, which can make your home life more comfortable along with significantly raising the value of your property. 

Research by Nationwide found that a dormer loft conversion turning a three-bedroom, one-bathroom property into a property with four bedrooms and two bathrooms can increase the value by over 25%. 

Whether you need to expand your home and add a new room or are looking to boost the value before selling, a loft conversion can certainly be worth investing in. 

If you’re ready to sit back and enjoy a Simply Easy Refurb on your home, contact us today.

Author: Sebastian Grayson